
Marketing & Growth Strategies from the experts at Thompson & Rose Marketing.

3 Absolute Must-Haves for an Effective Autoresponder Sales Sequence that Makes You Money

So... you have a bunch of email addresses just waiting to be turned into money.

But don't start sending emails begging for sales right off the bat.

Here are the 3 absolute must-haves for your autoresponder sales sequence that are guaranteed to increase your sales.

But first... why should you listen to us?

  • We've managed a 30% open rate and a 30% click-through rate in industries filled with SPAM emails and snake oil offers that people love to delete.
  • We turned a tiny 2,500-name email list into $9,826 in one weekend.
  • We've doubled the sales results for many of our clients by using these 3 must-haves (as well as a few other secrets gathered from years and years of online marketing).

So, without further ado, here are the top 3 must-haves for your autoresponder email sequence.

#1: Content So Good, You Almost Don't Want to Give It Away for Free.

When people write "content emails," they're usually just throwing out some quick-and-easy content with very little value.

As a rule of thumb: if your content is easy to make, it's also easy to delete.

Don't cheap out when it comes to your content emails. Not only do they keep your audience interested, but they also give them a taste of the value you provide.

If their first impression of your company is that you give the bare minimum effort, they won't be too excited about paying you later on.

Bonus pointer: in our famed 2,500-name email list generating almost $10,000, we included just 3 sales emails and 10 content emails. 

#2: Nail-Biting Cliffhangers. (Just Like the News.)

Have you ever noticed that news channels always go to a commercial break with a cliffhanger?

"And in Minnesota, one kitten proved that you don't have to be big, to make a big difference. More on that after our break."

Every email you write should end with a hint of what's to come next.

One exception: your sales emails should not make people think about the next email. Instead, they should reach the end of the email thinking about absolutely nothing except the purchase they're about to make.

#3: A Variety of Content Emails.

Getting an email with a video of real customers reviewing your product is great... but not if it's the only kind of email you get.

Instead, you have to be sure to use a variety of emails that use different strategies.

First, understand that there are two basic types of reasons for buying a product:

  1. Emotional
  2. Logical

For example, the emotional reason to buy life insurance is that you want to take care of your family. The logical reason is that the amount your family gets greatly exceeds the amount you pay into it.

Both of these reasons for purchasing are equally important. Some of your customers will only buy for emotional reasons, and others will only buy if it's a logical decision.

Most customers will need both reasons to make a purchase.

Here are a few ideas for different types of emails you can send out to spice up your autoresponder sales sequence:

  • Customer reviews of your product (emotional).
  • Cost-benefit analysis (logical).
  • Stories involving your product (emotional).
  • Emails that flatter the customer (emotional).
  • Price comparison and justification (logical).

Important: For the price comparison email, you can very easily end up simply selling the product, so you have to approach this one carefully.

This can be presented as a story or simply a chart with prices. If you happen to sell the most expensive product in your industry, don't worry: you can still use this strategy by comparing the value-per-dollar of each product.

(For example, if your product lasts longer, offers more units, or is less likely to break, you can use the low price of your competitors as a good reason not to trust their poor quality.)

Get a New Autoresponder Sales Sequence and Make More Money Fast.

We've done the hard work, and we know what email strategies will bring you the most money.

If you want to maximize your profits from your email list, simply send us a message today!

Ryan Rose